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What's New in the factory

The full range of our battery chargers are in store.

We started the manufacturing of our smallest current range of battery charger to meet the requirement of car and boat owners.

From now on we have on stock in our Melbourne factory battery chargers from 6 amp capacity  up to 250 amp level.

What's New in shipping

We completed the installation of our latest power  control management system used in cruise liner ship.

The centralized control system is regulating the  steam and diesel generators speed and power output level to give  a reliable source of electric power for the ship year in year out.

The system is based on Allan Bradley PLC's and control panels to give a centralized overview of the generating plant.


We are designing our new passenger ship stabilizer control circuit. 

This will have the "Forward  Thinking" in it's "Computer Logics" to give maximum comfort to the passengers and also limit possible cavitations on the retractable fins fitted beforehand.











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